Thursday, 21 March 2013


This month, meet Vanessa F @ Melbourne
Lawyer - Commercial Real Estate. (It's not nearly as dull as it sounds!)

My Style
"A mix of conservative (what lawyer isn't?) with a huge streak of anti convention (this is because I am an Aquarian... and we are astrologically programmed to be different and contrary).
When I go to gym, people stare because my socks never match.   Aquarians may also LOVE attention.
Black is good but I love wacky colour combinations.    Why can't everything be coloured pink, my all time favourite colour?  I love jewellery (the bigger and wackier the better) and should actually list that
under my obsession...."

 Favourite Fashion Piece
My new pink sneakers....LOVE.  In this picture they are resting in my newly
acquired plastic shoe organisers...why didn't I do this 10 years ago?"

 3 Things I Can’t Live Without
Lollies…and all things sweet
My stuff 'n things
The smell of baking"
(I like being contrary so I mention FOUR things not 3) 

Current obsession
"I have a passion bordering on obsession for skulls - I brought back a 20 pound plastic skull with removable teeth from's ridiculous!"

Favourite Urban Space
"I love my bedroom in my house (it's a space and it's urban).  My bedroom is my comfort, no shoes, no make-up, cool picture montage on the wall (relaxing is one of my few "vices", next to buying quirky jewellery)." 


  1. Thanks for agreeing to being profiled for C&C!!! We love your style. xo
